To express the world through African humanity and leadership


Welcome to Centre For Youth Policy

The Centre for Africa Youth Policy Development and Governance (CAP-DG) is a dedicated non-profit organization headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya with a commitment to advancing the role of youth in policy development and governance across the African continent. Through strategic interventions and collaborative endeavors, we undertake to create pathways for young leaders to contribute actively towards shaping inclusive and sustainable governance structures that reflect the aspirations and needs of Africa’s diverse youth population.

What We Do

Empowering Youth Through Inclusivity

Identifying and reaching out to youth from diverse backgrounds and regions hence ensuring inclusivity and representation.

Equipping Youth for Success

Providing comprehensive capacity-building programs including: leadership training, mentorship and skills development in order to equip youth with the tools they need to succeed

Advocating for Youth Rights

Advocating for youth-inclusive policies and frameworks at local, national and international levels that amplifyies their voices and advocate for their rights

Our Impact

individual Members
Funds Raised
Youth Engaged

Impact stories

TED Talk

Trevor talks about what measures to be used to engage the youth in policy making in the community and the continent of Africa at large

Powered Policies

Over the past year, members gathered to examine the world that they live in, and more importantly, the things they can do to transform it.

Become a volunteer

The Centre For Youth Policy is currently looking for a cross-section of volunteers just like you. Be our inspiration today in action and make real change happen

Africa's Largest Youth Network

Africa’s largest and most diverse convening community of professionals harnessing youth advocacy, policy, and research for socio-economic impact.

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